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League History:
Division Champs

The Swansea Little League was established in 1952 under the direction of league President James McDonald, Vice-President William Ratcliffe, Secretary Antone Costa, Treasurer Stanley Baker and Advisory Board Members William Marr, Herbert Walker, Patrick Callahan, Bruno Ward and William Edgar.

Swansea Little League
P.O. Box 422
Swansea, MA 02777

To contact a Swansea Little League representative for general questions concerning the league, please e-mail us at

Major and Senior Division Coaches 1952-1986 (missing 1984-85)

First Name Last Name Years Coached
Larry Abbruzzi 1968, 1970-72
Tony Abreu 1986
George Aherns 1962-63
Chris Aiello 1977
Lenny Aiello 1972, 1974-75
Tab Aiello 1977
Jeff Albin 1978
Michael Albernaz 1973-74
Anthony Andrade 1970, 1975-76
Joseph Andrade 1967-70, 1972-82
Joe Andrade 1983
Ron Andrade 1981-83, 1986
Steve Andrade 1974
Richard Anselmo 1968
Joseph Arruda, Jr. 1954
Jim Ashley 1970
Frank Baker 1954
Kenneth Baker 1982-83
Russell Baker 1953
Len Barbo 1981
Bruce Barnes 1969, 1971
Doug Baxendale 1978-80
Doug Baxendale, Jr. 1980
Rick Beaulieu 1969-70
Alan Bento 1980
Norbert Berard 1971
John Bettencourt 1967-68
Wilfred Boucher 1976-77
Richard Bourgeois 1980-83
Tom Bourne 1952
Joseph Branco 1952
Phil Brightman 1980-81
Earl Britland 1966
James Britland 1964-68
John Britland 1957
William Burke 1962
Eliot Burrows 1962-63
Joseph Bushell 1979-81
John Cabral 1975-82
Robert Cabral 1971
Alphonse Cantara 1963
Steve Carmello 1980
Gerry Carpenter 1982-83
Jim Carvalho 1975-81, 1986
David Chace 1970
Mario Chaves 1982-83
Charles Christopher 1957
John Church 1965-66
Tom Coffee 1966
Jack Comiskey 1986
Dave Connell 1975-78
Don Cookson 1973-75
Vic Correia 1983
Bill Courville 1982
Joe Courville 1978
Francis Crook 1976
Steve Crook 1978
Walter Cummings 1952-58
George Curry 1972-75
A. Daniello 1983
Gordon Davis 1968, 1969
Reggie Desnoyers 1973-83
John Donais 1960-61
Mike Donais 1975-78
Charles Drake 1963-64
Roger Dubois 1964-66
Louis Duphily 1970
Bob Eddy 1968
Bob Emond 1977
Bob Emond 1975-77, 1981
Armand Farias 1976
Jesse Ferreira 1959-61
Tony Ferreira 1968, 1971-72
Jim Figuerado 1970-71, 1973-76
Micahel Finnegan 1981-82
Don Flynn 1972, 1977
Don Flynn, Jr. 1977
Tom Flynn 1954
Roland Fonseca 1972-73, 1976-77
Henry Fortier 1974-75
Robert Francoeur 1964
Don Furtado 1967-72
Jerry Furtado 1982
Paul Gagnon 1973-74, 1978
Mike Gaydou 1974
Herman Gersch 1954
Roger Gibeau 1964-77
E. Golz 1960-61
Bill Gomes 1973
Jim Goncalo 1973
Edward Gregoire 1969, 1971
James Griffin 1965-66
Jeff Griffin 1981-83
Mike Griffin 1981-83
Phil Griffin 1954, 1972, 1979
Richard Grime 1957-59
John Gunn 1983
Charles Hadley 1960-61
Everett Haskell 1954
Paul Hastings 1959-62
Robert Hayden III 1976-81
Joseph Healey 1980
Roy Heaton 1981-83
Henry Hedge 1972, 1974-75
Ben Hedly 1980-81
Frank Hibbert 1973-77
Ed Hickey 1978-79
James Hodkinson 1969, 1976-78
Joe Holleran 1986
Donald Hyland 1970-83, 1986
Henry James 1957-59
Omer Jean 1964-68
Dave Jelinski 1978-79
Frank Johnson 1972-82
William Keetley 1959
Norman Keith 1960-61
Jerry Kelly 1969-71
Frank Kelly 1970
Kevin Kelly 1971
Lloyd Kenyon 1968-71, 1975-78
Jeff Kirkman 1977-83, 1986
Joseph J. Kirkman 1960-65
Raymond LaFleur 1967
Doug Larrivee 1974
Norman Larson 1968-69
Bruce Lasson 1982-83
Horace Leduc 1963-64
Harvey Lenon 1966-67
Leonard Lenzen 1962-65
Chad Lesage 1972
Paul Levesque 1972
Anthony Macedo 1976-77
Russ Malone 1973-74
Manuel Martin 1962
Dean Mansfield 1979-83
John McCarthy 1967-68
Mike McConnell 1986
Richard McCrae 1979-80
Ray McGough 1978, 1982-83
Francis McManus 1963
Joseph Medeiros 1969-71
John Mello 1970-71
Donald Michaels 1980-83, 1986
Jack Midwood 1977
Dave Morgado 1974
Romeo Mosher 1952-55
Gerald Moss 1969-72
Roland Neronha 1975
Norman Noble 1962
Robert Norman 1958
Joe O'Neill 1968
Dave Orton 1979
Roger Paquette 1983
Dave Patota 1975
Roland Patenaude 1963-70
Larry Paulhus 1968-70
Joaquim Pavao 1979-81
John Pavao 1978-80
Henry Pelletier 1978
Anthony Pereira 1970
Jim Pereira 1986
Bill Perry 1975
George Phillips 1959-61
Ralph Purdy 1958-59
Ralph Purdy 1981-82
John Raposa 1976-79
Julio Raposa 1976
William Ratcliffe 1979
Charles Reed 1981-82
Scott Remy 1973-75
Robert Renard, Jr 1981
Bill Ribar 1981-83
Louis Ried 1957-59
Ed Roberts 1960-62
John Rodriques 1982-83
Richard Rodriques 1965-69
Dave Ross 1973-76
Leo Roy 1983-86
Dick Rowland 1978
Len Russo 1979-80
Steve Santerre 1983
Joe Salvas 1986
Joe Santos 1971-72, 1983-86
Richard Schmoll 1981-82
George Shepard 1976-77
Chris Shott 1974-75
Ernie Silva 1970-71
Tom Smialek 1972
Craig Smith 1973-74
Dave Smith 1981-83
Ray Smith 1953-58, 1976
Ed Souza 1975, 1982
Steve Souza 1979
Walter Stanko 1961
Leo Stevens 1956-58
Al Sunderland 1954
Frank Swain 1978-79
Ben Swales 1978-81
Jim Tavares 1976-81
Ed Terceiro 1986
Norman Thibault 1976-77
Pete Thibault 1976-77
Arlan Thomas 1972
Lenny Thompson 1986
Dan Toolin 1980
Louis Travers 1976-78
Paul Vaillancourt 1983, 1986
Les Vital 1983
John Viveiros 1983
Arthur Vogler 1968
Ray Walsh 1986
Jim Waring 1983
Clint Watkinson 1978-79
Bruce Wilde 1968

© 2014 Swansea Little League    P.O. Box 422   Swansea, MA 02777