League Sponsors
Info for Volunteers

Adult & Player

The Swansea Little League is located in Swansea, Massachusetts. The league consists of 6 Divisions with players ranging in age from 5 - 18 years old.

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Swansea Little League
P.O. Box 422
Swansea, MA 02777

To contact a Swansea Little League representative for general questions concerning the league, please e-mail us at

To contact specific League Officers, please see details on the right

For league registration information, please see details on the right or check the Home page

For questions or comments concerning this website, please e-mail

Emergency Contact Numbers

Swansea Police (508) 674-8464
Swansea Fire Dept (508) 672-4305
St. Anne’s (508) 674-5600
Charlton Memorial (508) 679-3131
Hasbro Children’s (401) 444-3406

Business/Organization Sponsorships

The league is looking for local businesses and organizations that would like to sponsor a team by putting their company name on the back of jerseys and/or on field banners. If you know of an interested business, please contact Carlos Silva. (CSilva@swansealittleleague.org)
To download a sponsor form, please click here.
More information will also be available at registration.

2023Sponsor Form

Volunteer Information

from the official Little League website:

"All local Little Leagues are now required to conduct background checks on Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. Individuals are also required to complete and submit a Little League Volunteer Application to their local league."

LL Logo Please visit the official Little League Baseball website for more information

Volunteer Application

The following application must be completed by all volunteers each season (PDF format):

Little League Parent Orientation Program

from the official Little League website:

"As the parent of a Little Leaguer, you are committed to making your child's sports experience as rewarding as possible. Little League Baseball and Softball offers some tips on participating as a volunteer in your local league, as well as ways you can help develop the concepts of character, courage and loyalty in your Little Leaguer."

Please visit the official Little League website for more information: http://www.littleleague.org/parents/parentorientation.htm

Website Sponsors

Meganet Communications logo Website hosting
Swansea Little League would like to thank MegaNet Communications for their continued support in sponsoring the league's website!

Website design and maintenance