Welcome to the home page of the Swansea Little League. The league, established in 1952, is located at the Covel Estates on Route 6 in Swansea, Massachusetts and is part of District 6. It is open to residents of Swansea and Somerset with the exception of the Challenger Division which is open to all.
This website generously hosted by Meganet Communications
The Little League® Pledge
Swansea Police (508) 674-8464
Swansea Fire Dept (508) 672-4305
St. Anne's (508) 674-5600
Charlton Memorial (508) 679-3131
Hasbro Children's (401) 444-3406
Good afternoon,
This is a friendly reminder that our Field Cleanup Day is this Saturday, starting at 8:30 AM. We would greatly
appreciate any help you can offer! The more hands we have, the quicker the job gets done.
Please bring along any tools you think might be useful—rakes, shovels, leaf blowers, and more!
We look forward to seeing everyone there as we work together to get the field ready for opening day!
Thank you for your continued support,
Chris Kenyon
Swansea Little League supports a Challenger Division for children with disabilities ages 5-18. This division supports not only Swansea but the Southeastern Massachusetts area. If you would like more information on this division please contact division director Kaisey Viveiros at 774-417-0310
please click here to review the Swansea Little League CORI Policy
Please keep our fields clean! Clean your dugout before you leave! If you see trash, please pick it up and throw it away - don't just walk by it. It takes ALL of us to keep our fields clean.
The League would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that pets are NOT ALLOWED at the
Swansea Little League Fields. This rule is in place to ensure a safe environment for all players and spectators.
Effective immediately this rule will be strictly enforced during all Little League events.
Please click here to view the Swansea Little
League Accident / Injury Policy () and click here to view the Injury Tracking Form (
All accidents or injuries MUST be reported within 24 hours of the incident.
For more information, please contact John Harrington, Swansea Little League Safety Officer, with any questions - via phone @ (508) 951-2545 or via e-mail @ jharri7269@comcast.net.